Benchmarking Edge Regression on Temporal Networks

At Cash App, one of our aims is to understand our customers through the transactions between them, allowing us to personalize their experience and meet their needs more effectively. Our peer-to-peer transaction data is inherently graph-structured, where customers are represented as nodes and transactions as edges. With millions of transactions processed monthly on average, this graph is constantly evolving. This raises a crucial question: “How can we best leverage this data to extract the most valuable insights?”


The current literature offers a straightforward solution: train a Temporal Graph Neural Network (GNN) to perform link prediction, such as predicting “Will Cat send money to Fox next week?”, and then use the learned embeddings for various downstream tasks. However, temporal link prediction overlooks a key piece of information — edge features — e.g. “transaction amount” which are especially valuable in the context of a transaction network.

Motivated by this gap in the literature, we define a new frontier Temporal Edge Regression (TER) as a distinct task in temporal graph learning, focusing on predicting continuous target values for edges in dynamic networks. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of our latest research, Benchmarking Edge Regression on Temporal Networks, published in the Journal of Data-centric Machine Learning Research.

Here’s a quick overview of our contributions:

Formalizing Temporal Edge Regression

We consider a dynamic graph setting in which the set of vertices is fixed, and the edges appear over time. An edge, $e_j$, is composed of 4 components; the index of the source vertex $s_j$, the index of the destination vertex $d_j$, a feature vector of the edge $\mathbf{z}_j$, and the target value of interest $y_j$. Each of these components can be observed at different times;

We strictly assume that ${tx}_j \leq {tz}_j \leq {ty}_j$. That is, ${tx}_j$ marks the announcement time of interaction $j$ and ${ty}_j$ marks the completion time of the interaction. At any time $t$, we can therefore define a set of completed interactions $\mathcal{E}^{\operatorname{C}}(t) = {j: {ty}_j \leq t}$ and a set of announced but incomplete interactions $\mathcal{E}^{\operatorname{A}}(t) = {j: {tx}_j \leq t, {ty}_j > t }$.


In TER, the goal is to build a classifier that maps the known components of announced interactions to their target values. This prediction is informed by the set of completed interactions at any given time $t$. We further define variations of the problem based on the relationships between observations that compose an event:

is known about the future interactions at the inference time.

Benchmark Datasets

One of the key challenges we face in TER is the lack of datasets that are designed for edge-focused learning. To address this, we’ve introduced four novel datasets that capture the dynamics needed for edge regression tasks:

These datasets provide a foundation for researchers to explore edge-based predictions in dynamic networks, helping advance the state of temporal graph learning. The applications of TER extend far beyond academic research. Whether it’s predicting delays in transportation systems, anticipating financial risks, or analyzing social interactions, TER has broad potential across many industries.

Model Comparison


We evaluated various models on these datasets,

While GNN-based methods generally outperform simpler baselines, our results show that no existing architecture fully addresses the unique challenges of TER. The architecture of current models is largely designed for node-based tasks, which leaves room for innovation in edge regression. This highlights the need for new, tailored approaches for TER.


The introduction of Temporal Edge Regression as a benchmark task, along with our newly proposed datasets, marks a significant milestone in the field of temporal graph learning. By focusing on the dynamics of relationships between entities, TER opens up new avenues for research and practical applications. As we continue to refine our models and datasets, we believe TER will play a critical role in advancing machine learning for complex, evolving systems.

Explore our paper if you are interested in more details and stay tuned for more updates as we explore the fascinating possibilities of temporal edge regression and its impact on real-world challenges.


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